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This guide is meant for developers who want to contribute or debug argocd-autopilot.

Adding a New Feature:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone it and add the upstream remote with git remote add upstream
  3. Run make local to build the project
  4. Add your feature, run make pre-commit, then commit
  5. Run make pre-push
  6. Push the changes to the remote branch and create a new PR: git push --set-upstream upstream <remote-branch-name>
  7. If you need to get changes from the upstream repo, run: git pull upstream main

Adding Documentation:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Clone it and add the upstream remote with: git remote add upstream
  3. Run make serve-docs to run a docker container that will server the docs on http://localhost:8000.
  4. Edit existing docs in /docs directory or add new files and add them to the mkdocs.yml.
  5. When you're ready, push your changes to your fork and submit a PR.

Releasing a New Version:

  1. Checkout to a release branch: release-v0.X.X
  2. Change the VERSION in the Makefile to match the new version
  3. Add what you need to ./docs/releases/
  4. Create a new PR to the main branch
  5. After CI is green, add a /release comment to the PR to trigger the release pipeline (maintainers only)
  6. After Release build is finished you can merge back to main

Using pre-commit:

With pre-commit installed and properly set-up, both the pre-commit and pre-push hooks will run automatically.

  1. Install pre-commit on your machine
  2. Install the hooks in the repo folder: pre-commit install -t pre-commit -t pre-push
  3. Enjoy


We are using as our linter, you can integrate golangci-lint with the following IDEs:

  • vscode: make sure GOPATH is setup correctly and run make lint this will download golangci-lint if it was not already installed on your machine. Then add the following to your settings.json:
"go.lintTool": "golangci-lint",
"go.lintFlags": [