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Installation Recovery

Recovering From an Existing Repository

If, for any reason, something happens to your argo-cd installation, you can recover from an existing repository using the --recover flag.

This should re-apply Argo-CD to the cluster, then create the autopilot-bootstrap application, which will restore all of the other applications in your repository.

export GIT_REPO=
export GIT_TOKEN=xxx

argocd-autopilot repo bootstrap --recover

Apply Argo-CD Manifests From Existing Repository

In some cases where you made some modifications to your Argo-CD, you probably want to apply the modified Argo-CD manifests from your repository instead of new ones. You can easily do that with the --app flag.

For example:

export GIT_REPO=
export GIT_TOKEN=xxx

argocd-autopilot repo bootstrap --recover --app "${GIT_REPO}.git/bootstrap/argo-cd"

This is using the app specifier flag to tell autopilot that the Argo-CD manifests should be generated from /bootstrap/argo-cd/kustomization.yaml.


If you used a different path or branch for your autopilot installation your app specifier would look different