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Repo Upgrade and Uninstall

  • Support a clear flow to upgrade Argo CD

App Upgrade and Delete

  • Support a clear flow to upgrade an app

Working with and Storing Secrets

Promote Feature

  • Provide a clear way to automate the process of promoting changes between one to another environment
  • Provide a clear way to automate the process of promoting changes to all environments after verification on a single environment

Multiple Argo CD installations Targeting Specific Environments

In some organizations there is a need to separate production from other testing environments because of regulations and networking restrictions.

That been said, in most cases you will still want to have a single GitOps repository that contains all your environments.

So for example you can have an Argo CD installation controlling your production but another Argo CD installation that will target all the rest of environments.

Other Templating Choices Besides Kustomize

  • Support Helm

Additional Git Providers Support for Repo Create