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Argocd autopilot project list

argocd-autopilot project list

Lists all the projects on a git repository

argocd-autopilot project list  [flags]


# To run this command you need to create a personal access token for your git provider,
# and have a bootstrapped GitOps repository, and provide them using:

        export GIT_TOKEN=<token>
        export GIT_REPO=<repo_url>

# or with the flags:

        --git-token <token> --repo <repo_url>

# Lists projects

    argocd-autopilot project list


      --git-server-crt string   Git Server certificate file
  -t, --git-token string        Your git provider api token [GIT_TOKEN]
  -u, --git-user string         Your git provider user name [GIT_USER] (not required in GitHub)
  -h, --help                    help for list
      --repo string             Repository URL [GIT_REPO]