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Argocd autopilot repo bootstrap

argocd-autopilot repo bootstrap

Bootstrap a new installation

argocd-autopilot repo bootstrap [flags]


# To run this command you need to create a personal access token for your git provider
# and provide it using:

    export GIT_TOKEN=<token>

# or with the flag:

    --git-token <token>

# Install argo-cd on the current kubernetes context in the argocd namespace
# and persists the bootstrap manifests to the root of gitops repository

    argocd-autopilot repo bootstrap --repo

# Install argo-cd on the current kubernetes context in the argocd namespace
# and persists the bootstrap manifests to a specific folder in the gitops repository

    argocd-autopilot repo bootstrap --repo


      --app string                        The application specifier (e.g., overrides the default installation argo-cd manifests
      --context string                    The name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --dry-run                           If true, print manifests instead of applying them to the cluster (nothing will be commited to git)
      --git-server-crt string             Git Server certificate file
  -t, --git-token string                  Your git provider api token [GIT_TOKEN]
  -u, --git-user string                   Your git provider user name [GIT_USER] (not required in GitHub)
  -h, --help                              help for bootstrap
      --hide-password                     If true, will not print initial argo cd password
      --insecure                          Run Argo-CD server without TLS
      --installation-mode string          One of: normal|flat. If flat, will commit the bootstrap manifests, otherwise will commit the bootstrap kustomization.yaml (default "normal")
      --kubeconfig string                 Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.
  -n, --namespace string                  If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request
      --namespace-labels stringToString   Optional labels that will be set on the namespace resource. (e.g. "key1=value1,key2=value2" (default [])
      --provider string                   The git provider, one of: azure|bitbucket|bitbucket-server|gitea|github|gitlab
      --recover                           Installs Argo-CD on a cluster without pushing installation manifests to the git repository. This is meant to be used together with --app flag to use the same Argo-CD manifests that exists in the git repository (e.g. --app
      --repo string                       Repository URL [GIT_REPO]
      --request-timeout string            The length of time to wait before giving up on a single server request. Non-zero values should contain a corresponding time unit (e.g. 1s, 2m, 3h). A value of zero means don't timeout requests. (default "0")
  -b, --upsert-branch                     If true will try to checkout the specified branch and create it if it doesn't exist